I have been hearing a whole lot of complaints about the frizzy hair these days. More and more women are coming to me with the problem of curling hair. I think it is due to heavy use of the chemicals or blow drying too much. It could be also due to chlorine in your swimming pools. It could also be due to excessive use of “mousse” products.
Do not use a hair brush. Using a hair brush on thick hair and "frizzy" prone hair will cause split ends. Instead, use a hair picks when your hair is wet, then finger comb when your hair is dry. In the morning when you wake up, if you have "bed" hair, sprinkle your hair with water and finger comb it into place.
You can also use hot iron to prevent hair curling techniques, but I would not suggest that because excess heat is damaging to your hair. Do not rub your hair with a towel when wet. Instead, let your hair set in a towel for 10 minutes, then take the towel off.
If you have natural curly hair they make look frizzy when you expose your hair to a humid environment. Washing your hair with coldest water you can stand after using a shampoo and conditioner is an easy way out to avoid such frizz in your hair.
You cannot avoid blow drying your hair, but you can surely do it methodically. Use a big round brush that will allow you to smooth your hair as you dry. Always blow in a downward motion. Running the dryer over hair up and down causes the cuticle to frizz and split and curl up. Divide hair into sections with curler pins and dry one section at a time. Always direct your blower to your hair. Avoid heating your scalp.
After washing your hair, add a small amount of natural vegetable glycerin to your mousse or gel. You can generally add approximately a small amount of glycerin and quarter size amount of gel to a small amount of water that is just enough to wet your hair and rub them together to run it through your hair. This helps in reducing the fizz.
Vinegar provides good frizz control. Take a plastic cup and fill it with about 1/2 cup of apple vinegar and 1/2 cup water. After your rinse your hair with the conditioner, give your hair a final rinse with vinegar mixture. Vinegar helps to smooth your cuticle and removes the frizz. However, make sure to close your eyes tight, vinegar can sting your eyes.
If you ask me, there is hell of a lot of tips that I can give you. Another tip that I can give you is to check with some good sites on hair care like the www.hair-dressing.com Read through these sites and ask me if you don’t get something you are looking for.